IT Asset Disposition

These are just some of the many capabilities modern datacenters can bring to a business. The question is, what’s the best way for a company to invest in its data infrastructure? 

IT Asset Disposition

These are just some of the many capabilities modern datacenters can bring to a business. The question is, what’s the best way for a company to invest in its data infrastructure? 

At WangoMSP, we believe any company can be a Thriver. We also believe simply throwing resources at your data infrastructure won’t do the job — in fact, it’ll probably do more harm than good. 

When getting started with updating your datacenter, there are five questions we typically recommend our clients ask: 

  • What are the needs of your employees? 

  • What processes do you currently have in place? 

  • What tools are critical to your business and how can you marry them with a modern datacenter? 

  • How much are you prepared to spend on modernizing your data infrastructure? 

  • What value are you expecting from using a modern datacenter? 

When we work with companies, we take a holistic approach to their needs. That means examining workflows and the current tools being employed by the company. It also means finding technology — equipment, software, or cloud services — that best fit a company’s needs going forward. 

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